Friday 13 February 2015

Magazine Poster Research

When typing in 'cd magazine advertisements', in the image above, it immediately comes up with the most popular and mainstream of the artists in the music industry. This shows that the popularity of magazine advertisements are still within magazine but as the magazine is a dying medium with the advancement of technology, these advertisements are becoming the least notified marketing ploy of the music industry since most bands and artists have moved onto social media to market their new and upcoming albums.

Though it does contain the variety that is needed to show many if not all of the genres that are available for all of the audiences tastes that are always changing and would want to appeal to them as a whole. Fad is one letter away from fade and that is what they do, fade away as time passes by, media industries need to keep up with this in order to keep with its audience so as to ensure that they don't loose track of what they are trying to achieve. Audiences are always looking for what is fresh and new and what may become an overall trend or fashion statement, This applies to the music industry more than we believe as it is a medium that is constantly changing and trying to keep up with the development of technology.The music industry needs to change in order to serve the purpose of creating something for the audience to follow. It is almost impossible for the music industry to not develop with time as it is the main apparatus in which we as the audience are prone to support the most. Music is something in which has always expressed the human condition, it is the main foundations of expression since it can be interpreted in many different ways. These developments are left up to the development of the human mind and technology. The music industry itself wants to be able to constantly appeal to their audiences through any means possible. This is something that doesn't depend on genre since we are able to clearly see that it relates to it as a whole and not as separate mediums within its demographic. When applying the fact that the ability to appeal to all audiences though the same people work with different genres may prove the fact that they know there audiences and what makes them tick. Knowing this means that the industry knows established conventions and stereotypes. If this development didn't happen then the music industry would either still be stuck with the old fashioned music of the 1950's or 60's, or it would have depleted in profit an popularity and eventually been demolished. Though something as drastic as the music industry as a whole to change could have perhaps changed an era. These influences and inspirations most likely gave messages that put things into perspective for those who listened and when concerning youths it is likely that it was the cause of certain events or stereotypes that have become history and are quite unchangeable. 

When typing in 'alternative magazine album adverts' you are able to clearly see that the results aren't narrowed down a lot. This could enforce the fact that the magazine is a dying medium that is less reliant and this causes the number of advertisements to decrease considerably. They are a fading technique of marketing. This as well as the fact that the alternative genre isn't as prominent as other genres in the music industry. It still wouldn't change the fact that the though they are trying to stay with the development of technology, they are being left behind since this development is moving out of the 'physical copy' era since everything now is done digitally. 

When comparing these you are able to see the clear differences in genre. The Olly Murs advert clearly adherers to his mainstream reputation and genre of music. This particular advert follows the conventions and trends of today's sense of style, this new statement that indie is the way forward and is a fashion that is being re used. Adhering to these conventions are what enable a mainstream audience to engage more with the product as they are able to relate more since these passing trends are what is draw to most within this poster. Promoting a product in a specific way to appeal to the audience is what makes it sell all the more. This is also a great indicator to what genre it is. The use of colour as well as the framing of the image shows that they are further appealing to the audience by making it known of the subject and the tone. These tones used are neutral and almost mirror the effects of a filter that you would see on 'instagram'. A modern social networking sight that has gained mainstream attention and enforces a stereotypical idea that is what is expected of that certain demographic. This colour scheme is then reflected in the text which gives the audience information, making the entire visual aesthetic come together and tie into one another. The audience can then relate 

Wednesday 11 February 2015

First CD Idea

This is the first Idea that I have had for the layout and design of the CD case. 

This is the first idea that I have for the Magazine Advertisement. 

Tuesday 10 February 2015

CD Design Idea 2 (Front Cover)

As you can see, I have taken inspiration for the second attempt/idea for my CD front cover. Thought this may not be the image that I want to use (since I thought that this image would work better as a back cover image), I think that it works OK together. Though for the music that is going to be featured on it (The Kinks) I am unsure whether or not it will be relevant to the genre. The design that I have chosen here is that of the Indie/alternative genre. The genre that I have chosen is around Indie/Rock. 

Monday 2 February 2015

Music Video - Rough Draft

Within this rough draft of the music video I have finished the ending. When looking at the footage I notice that the cloning effect has some minor slip ups as the footage that overlays the other to create the cloning effect doesn't match so it looks odd and unprofessional. This is an aspect of the footage that really does need improving and shall find difficult to do so should the actors be unavailable. Other than that I think that the footage is well done but some of the editing needs to be improved as the edits at the moment don't match the beat of the music.

This rough draft is no the real rough draft as it has become apparent that this doesn't have all the footage of the rough draft. This is just a four second clip from the rough draft and I no longer have the rough draft.